Jammu & Kashmir

Bilal Ahmad Bhat

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Oh my beloved country India

Oh my beloved country India

Oh, my beloved country, India, Where the pain and struggle never cease, Where inequality and injustice, Are rampant, and deprive us of peace. Yes, we may have gone digital, But what good is technology, If it cannot bridge the divide, Between the rich and the poor’s reality? We may have…
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Do The IMPOSSIBLE: Embracing Challenges as Pathways to Extraordinary Achievements By Dr. Bilal Ahmad Bhat, Social & Political Activist

Do The IMPOSSIBLE: Embracing Challenges as Pathways to Extraordinary Achievements By Dr. Bilal Ahmad Bhat, Social & Political Activist

In the realm of human endeavor, the word “impossible” often stands as a barrier between aspiration and achievement. Yet, history’s most remarkable feats have been born from the audacity to challenge this very notion. From climbing towering mountains to conquering diseases, from breaking societal barriers to fostering peace where conflict…
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Welcome to the Official Website of Bilal Ahmad Bhat: A Visionary Entrepreneur, Philanthropist, and Catalyst for Global Change

Welcome to the Official Website of Bilal Ahmad Bhat: A Visionary Entrepreneur, Philanthropist, and Catalyst for Global Change

Step into the world of Bilal Ahmad Bhat, a dynamic force shaping the future of entrepreneurship and philanthropy. As the founder of hundreds of platforms spanning the globe, Bilal is a trailblazer in the startup world, revolutionizing industries and empowering individuals to achieve their dreams. With a passion for simplicity…
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Happy Raksha Bandhan

Happy Raksha Bandhan

In lands where traditions intertwine, Where love’s pure bond forever shines, Comes Raksha Bandhan, a sacred day, Where heartstrings dance in a joyful sway. Ode to the siblings, a bond so true, A tale as old as morning’s dew, A sister’s thread, a brother’s care, A cosmic rhythm beyond compare.…
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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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