Shah Alam,Selangor,Malaysia

Happy Raksha Bandhan

Happy Raksha Bandhan

In lands where traditions intertwine,

Where love’s pure bond forever shines,

Comes Raksha Bandhan, a sacred day,

Where heartstrings dance in a joyful sway.


Ode to the siblings, a bond so true,

A tale as old as morning’s dew,

A sister’s thread, a brother’s care,

A cosmic rhythm beyond compare.


Oh, Rakhi, thread of silken grace,

You bind two souls in a warm embrace,

Intricate patterns, vibrant and bold,

Symbolizing a love that never grows old.


Brother, a protector through thick and thin,

A guardian spirit, a lifelong kin,

Through laughter and tears, you stand tall,

A shield against life’s tumultuous squall.


Sister, a confidante, a friend so dear,

With whispered secrets and laughter near,

You weave memories in the tapestry of time,

A bond so sweet, a melody sublime.


On this day, the universe aligns,

As siblings’ hearts beat in rhythm’s signs,

A promise to cherish, protect, and adore,

In this cosmic tale, forevermore.


Celestial threads that sibling’s tie,

Spanning the earth, reaching the sky,

A symphony of love, resounding clear,

Happy Raksha Bandhan to all, my dear!

Warm wishes,

Your Dr. Bilal Ahmad Bhat

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