Jammu & Kashmir

Oh my beloved country India

Oh my beloved country India

Oh, my beloved country, India,

Where the pain and struggle never cease,

Where inequality and injustice,

Are rampant, and deprive us of peace.

Yes, we may have gone digital,

But what good is technology,

If it cannot bridge the divide,

Between the rich and the poor’s reality?

We may have smartphones and laptops,

But what use is a device,

When hunger and poverty haunt us,

And we can’t even eat rice?

Our farmers, who toil day and night,

Are burdened with debt and despair,

While politicians and businessmen,

Pretend like they don’t even care.

Free thinkers are silenced,

By those who cannot tolerate dissent,

And our constitution, that promises freedom,

Is just a mere ornament.

The government decides what we eat,

While Dalit women are stripped and abused,

And atrocities are committed,

That make us all feel confused.

Casteism and communalism,

Are still prevalent in many parts,

And murderers and criminals,

Are made candidates to win our hearts.

Women are raped every thirty minutes,

And female infanticide is still practiced,

While posting selfies with daughters,

Is supposed to make us feel accomplished.

To be born a cow is more of a blessing,

Than to be born a woman in our land,

Where sponsored journalism is rampant,

And our voices go unheard in the sand.

Tribal people are exploited and looted,

While the rich keep getting richer,

And corruption is a norm,

That we have learned to bear and not hinder.

Dowry is still a stigma,

And inflation makes life more difficult,

While education and spirituality,

Are turned into businesses that are profit-driven.

And when a man dies on the streets,

No one bats an eye or takes a stand,

While leaders and politicians,

Live lives of luxury that we can’t even comprehend.

Yes, we may have gone digital,

But what use is this progress,

If it cannot bring justice and equality,

And fails to alleviate the distress?

So, let us not forget our roots,

And the struggles that we still face,

For only when we come together,

Can we truly create a better place.

Let us use technology to empower,

The voices that have been silenced for so long,

And build a future that’s inclusive,

Where everyone can truly belong.

Let us fight against injustice,

And stand up for what is right,

For only then can we truly say,

That we have made our country bright.

Dr. Bilal Ahmad Bhat

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