Shah Alam,Selangor,Malaysia

Dear Well-wishers

Dear Well-Wishers

I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to kindly request your cooperation regarding Good Morning WhatsApp messages. While I appreciate the thoughtfulness and positive intentions behind these messages, I have come to realize that they consume a significant amount of my time and resources to clear them. Therefore, I kindly ask you to refrain from sending me such messages.

In our fast-paced lives, time is a valuable asset that we must use wisely. Each day, we juggle multiple responsibilities and commitments, striving to make the most of our limited hours. Unfortunately, the abundance of Good Morning messages, although meant to spread positivity, can become overwhelming and contribute to unnecessary distractions. By collectively refraining from sending these messages, we can save millions of hours that would otherwise be spent clearing notifications.

I believe that we can all play our part in making our interactions more purposeful and efficient. Instead of relying on repetitive messages, let’s find alternative ways to stay connected and share meaningful conversations. We can engage in discussions about shared interests, exchange ideas, or even plan activities together. By focusing on quality interactions, we can strengthen our relationships and create more significant impacts in each other’s lives.

I understand that breaking away from established habits might require some adjustment. However, by redirecting our attention and efforts towards more meaningful forms of communication, we can make a positive change in our daily interactions. Let’s prioritize quality over quantity, fostering connections that are based on substance and mutual growth.

I truly value your presence in my life, and I appreciate the positive energy you bring. Together, let’s make a conscious effort to utilize our time and resources effectively. By doing so, we can make room for more valuable and enriching experiences that will have a lasting impact.

Thank you for understanding and supporting this request. I look forward to continuing our journey together, exploring new ways to connect and create meaningful memories.

With warm regards,

Dr. Bilal Ahmad Bhat

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