Jammu & Kashmir

Year: 2023

Happy Raksha Bandhan

Happy Raksha Bandhan

In lands where traditions intertwine, Where love’s pure bond forever shines, Comes Raksha Bandhan, a sacred day, Where heartstrings dance in a joyful sway. Ode to the siblings, a bond so true, A tale as old as morning’s dew, A sister’s thread, a brother’s care, A cosmic rhythm beyond compare.…
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Productive vs Destructive People

Productive vs Destructive People

Productive vs Destructive People: Reform, Perform, Transform In every sphere of life, we encounter individuals who either contribute positively or detract from progress. These individuals can be categorized into two distinct groups: productive and destructive people. The impact of their presence extends beyond personal interactions, influencing the overall dynamics of…
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Take the First Step Today

Take the First Step Today

Take the First Step Today: The Crucial Key to Breaking Free from the Norm   Introduction: In the pursuit of a fulfilling and extraordinary life, the first step holds immense significance. It is the foundation upon which dreams are built and the catalyst that propels us towards success. Yet, it…
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A True Entrepreneur

A True Entrepreneur

There’s a man whose name is known, A true entrepreneur, with a heart full-grown. Dr. Bilal Ahmad Bhat, a man of many hats, A true leader, whose impact spans many lands. Born in the land of the Himalayas, He dreamed of a future, that would amaze him. He started young,…
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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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