Shah Alam,Selangor,Malaysia

Entrepreneur Philanthropist Business Coach

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Entrepreneur Philanthropist Business Coach

In the land of mountains and lakes

Where the sun rises and the mist breaks

There lived a man, a visionary leader

Whose impact on the world, none could measure


Dr. Bilal Ahmad Bhat, his name echoed far

A man of many talents, a true rockstar

An entrepreneur, he built businesses with flair

And his success, he was always willing to share


He was a coach to many, a mentor to more

His advice and guidance, always in store

For those who sought to make a difference

And achieve their dreams, with diligence


But that’s not all, for he was also a philanthropist

A man who gave back, and never missed

An opportunity to help those in need

And his generosity always took the lead


From building schools to funding healthcare

His contributions, beyond compare

He believed in making the world a better place

And his efforts, none could replace


Dr. Bilal Ahmad Bhat, a man of many hats

Whose impact on society, can’t be measured in stats

His vision, his drive, his leadership skills

All contributed to making lives, better and fulfilled


And so we honor him, for all that he’s done

For being a true leader, for always being on the run

For inspiring us to dream big and work hard

And for being a beacon of hope, in a world that’s often scarred


May his legacy continue to inspire

And his impact on the world, never tires

Dr. Bilal Ahmad Bhat is a true hero

A man whose greatness, will always glow.


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