Jammu & Kashmir

Global entrepreneurs to meet in Accra

Global entrepreneurs to meet in Accra

Dr Victoria E. E. Vitashie(middle) with other dignitaries after the programme

The Global 28 Credentials of Entrepreneur (28COE) summit has been launched in Accra.

The summit, scheduled between November 3rd and 6th, will bring together entrepreneurs and business executives from across the world.

Originally emanating from Malaysia, this is the first time the summit will be held in Africa.

Launching it on Friday, the West African representative of 28 Credentials of Entrepreneurs, Dr Victoria Esinu Vitashie said 28COE was a dynamic organisation that is supported through partnership in the global community.

She said the platform is an entrepreneurial one set out for networking, branding and leveraging.

Dr Vitashie said 28COE was the largest community of entrepreneurs and professionals across more than 85 countries.

She said the only objective of the summit was to help aspiring entrepreneurs connect, brand and leverage.

“28COE works to make a healthier start that creates more entrepreneurs, educate individuals, accelerate innovation and strengthen economic growth and create ecosystems that lead to cross- border collaboration and initiatives between investors, policymakers, researchers and entrepreneurial support organisation,” she emphasised.

She explained that 28COE was the world’s most influential community of entrepreneurs which encourages its members to become mentors to young kidpreneurs and teenpreneurs; who aspire to realise their potential in business and professionally.

On his part, the chairman of Kludjeson International Limited, Dr Prince Kofi Kludjeson said the major challenge confronting the development of entrepreneurs in the country was the absence of strong equity laws.

He explained that with a proper equity law in place, Ghanaians could leverage it to develop themselves and take over the commanding height of business.

“We need to have a conversation around what type of equity arrangement that works for us and then we can take advantage of it to develop our country,” he said.

Dr Kludjeson commended the organisers for the initiative and described it as one of the greatest things to happen for entrepreneurs in the country.

He therefore, called on Ghanaians to take advantage of the summit and network to their advantage.

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