Jammu & Kashmir

About us

Dr. Bilal Ahmad Bhat is a remarkable individual, serving as an inspirational entrepreneur, philanthropist, and business coach, leaving a profound impact on the realm of business.

Dr. Bilal Ahmad Bhat is a successful entrepreneur, philanthropist, and business coach who has made significant contributions to the business world. He migrated to Malaysia over two decades ago, and since then, he has been helping thousands of people start their businesses from scratch.

Bilal Ahmad Bhat’s journey as an entrepreneur began very young. He grew up in Wuyan, Jammu, and Kashmir, India, and started his first business when he was just 11 years old. His entrepreneurial spirit and passion for business.

After completing his studies, Dr. Bilal migrated to Malaysia, where he started his entrepreneurial journey once again. He founded several successful companies, including Kong Posh Industries and Neocs, which have become well-known brands in Malaysia and beyond.

Apart from his successful business ventures, Dr. Bilal is also known for his philanthropic work. He believes in giving back to society and has initiated many social welfare projects. Through his charitable initiatives, Bilal Ahmad Bhat has touched the lives of many people and brought positive change to their communities.

In addition to his entrepreneurial and philanthropic work, Bilal Ahmad Bhat is also a well-known business coach and mentor. He has helped many aspiring entrepreneurs and business owners achieve their goals and reach their full potential. His experience and expertise in business have made him a sought-after speaker and trainer in many countries.

Dr. Bilal is also the author of many books, including “28COE Core Values-Edition-1” and “28COE Quotes Book 200 Members-Vol-1.” And “28COE Core Values” and “28COE Quotes Book 100 Members-Vol-2.”  These books offer valuable insights and guidance to entrepreneurs and business owners who are looking to start or grow their businesses.

Dr. Bilal’s entrepreneurial journey has not been without its challenges. However, his resilience and determination have allowed him to overcome these obstacles and achieve remarkable success. He has been recognized for his contributions to the business world and has received numerous awards and accolades.

In brief, Dr. Bilal Ahmad Bhat is an inspiring entrepreneur, philanthropist, and business coach who has significantly impacted the business world. His journey is a testament to the power of entrepreneurship and the importance of giving back to society. His dedication to his craft, commitment to social welfare, and willingness to share his knowledge and expertise have made him a true leader and role model.

"Success is not just about personal achievements, but also about making a positive impact on others."
"Entrepreneurship is the art of turning ideas into actions, and actions into results."
"A successful business is built on a foundation of integrity, innovation, and the relentless pursuit of excellence."
"The true measure of success lies in how much you empower and uplift those around you."
Call to ask any question +60163634203 (Malaysia) +917006857643 (India)

Dr. Bilal Ahmad Bhat

Founder & CEO of BAB Group Of Companies
Entrepreneur Philanthropist Business Coach
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We empower our clients to take the lead in their respective fields through our advanced and cutting-edge services.

Experience unparalleled growth and success in your field as we empower you with advanced and cutting-edge services, placing you at the forefront of your industry.

90 Day MBE

Transformative program for accelerated business growth.
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Business Coach

Guiding professionals towards achieving their full potential.
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Making a positive impact through charitable initiatives and contributions.
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Visionary leader driving innovation, creating opportunities, and fostering business success.
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Dr. Bilal Ahmad Bhat

I am entrusted with the crucial task of managing and supervising the day-to-day functions of the company I am employed with, and I have full confidence in its potential. My role involves efficiently executing daily operations and taking on various challenges both within and outside the country. By focusing on maximizing profitability, I strive to ensure the company’s success.

Total Working Experience : 27 Years (from 1996 to 2023)



Doctor Of Business Administration, Myles Leadership University 4th. Day of November The Year 2022 Accra GHANA

Mini-MBA Program

Diploma in Global Governance, Diploma in Project Management, International Business Management Institute, Berlin -Germany (Virtual Online) March 2 0 1 8 — July 2 0 1 8

Diploma in (General Studies)

The Jammu & Kashmir State Board of School Education Higher Secondary Part Cum Examination Nov-Dec 1997 to July-Aug 1998

Diploma in Computer (Computer Software)

ABLE COMPUTER, (SRINAGAR KASHMIR) October 1995 to October 1996

Certificate in Financial Accounting @ Inventory Control

Centre for Electronic Design & Technology of India April 2000 to May 2000

Certificate in Graphic Design Foundation Studies

PJ College of Arts & Design (PETALING JAYA) April 2001 to April 2002

Certificate in Hotel Management, Travel & Tourism

m Goon Institution (Kuala Lumpur- Malaysia) June 2004

Certificate in Facebook Ads & Facebook Marketing Mastery

UDEMY (Virtual -Online) July 17,2018

Certificate in Business Intelligence and Knowledge

Management Systems-Revised ALISON (Virtual -Online) 19 September 2019

World Master Class (by Vince Tan)

Entrepreneur Masterclass, November 2 0 1 9 — November 2 0 1 9

Global Institute of Healthcare Management (GIHM)

Covid-19 (Awareness & Prevention) May 2 0 2 0 — May 2 0 2 0


Sales: Closing Strategies Dec. 2020 Delivering an Authentic Elevator Pitch Dec. 2020, Entrepreneurship Foundations 15th. Dec.2020 Professional Networking (Project Management Institute- PMI) Managing Generation Z (Project Management Institute-PMI) 17 January 2021 16 December 2020 Coaching Skills for Leaders and Managers (Project Management Institute-PMI) 25 December 2020 Selling to Executives (Project Management Institute-PMI) 25 December 2020 Business Ethics for Sales Professionals 26 December 2020 Selling to Executives Dec.2020 Coaching Skills for Leaders and Managers Dec.2020 2-Minute Tips for Marketing Jan. 2021 Managing Generation Z (Project Management Institute-PMI) 1 Jan 2021 Create a Go-To-Market Plan (2017) Jan. 2021 Business Storytelling With C.C. Chapman 24 Jan. 2021 Leading in Crisis (Project Management Institute-PMI) 17 Jan. 2021 Social Media Marketing Foundations 14 Jan. 2021 Guy Kawasaki on Turning Life Wisdom into Business Success 24 Jan 2021

The Influncer Academy

1. Understanding and Building Influence 24th. August 2021 2. Turning Your Influencer Brand into a Business 29th. August 202 1 3. Influencer Entrepreneurship 30th. August 2021

Book Author

I'm the author of a few books and many more are lined up. 28COE Quotes Book 200 Members Vol-1 28COE Quotes Book 100 Members Vol-2 28COE Core Values-Edition-1


I was featured in various Magazines, News Papers & TV Chanel's : CAPITAL TV Coffee Table Book PASSION & COMMITMENT Gratitude SME & ENTREPRENEURSHIP BUSINESS AWARD 2017 International Business Review -SME (Vol.1 & 3) Nanyang Siang Pau- China Press PASSION (Magazine) in Vol. 48, 49,50, 51, 52,53 BRITISHPEDIA (SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE IN MALAYSIA) MALAYSIA SME (Issue 204) Greater Kashmir (24 January 2022) Namaste India Magazine (26 January 2022) News Ghana (3 November 2022) Omankyeame Ghanaian Times (26 September 2022) Myjoyonline (29 September 2022) Spaceprahari (02 February 2022) Spaceprahari (16 December 2022) Coin News Extra TV TV Africa PENT TV


Positive Thoughts Consulting & Training Solutions, International Institute of Influencers, Global Ghanaian Chamber, Global Business Network


Managing Director, Kong Posh Industries (M) Sdn Bhd 757417-H Dec 2 0 0 6 — Present

Tulip Computers, Srinagar Kashmir

December 1996 to December 1997 Job: Computer Operator (I was managing all the data base and assisting lectures to manage their lectures and study materials, to ensure all the smooth relations between students , Lecturers and the esteemed institute)

Prince Wood Carving House, Srinagar Kashmir

Nov 1997 to April 2003 Job: Furnishing- Maintaining High-grade Furniture (In the period of time , i was enhancing showroom displays, maintaining product quality and service, for all the domestic and overseas shipments, and inspecting Quality Control work to make the manufacturing up to date and was growing customers awareness towards the carving tradition furniture which was uniquely hand made.)

Shaan Holidays Tour & Travel Services, Srinagar Kashmir

Jan 1998 to December 1999 Job: Computer Operator & Marketing Representative ( i was handling all the overseas clients and maintains their data and queries,feedback, and proving them support as well as i was creating Marketing Campaigns and marketing research)

Ahmed Enterprises, Saharanpur UP, India

March 2004 to April 2006 Job: Operational Manager (I was doing domestic & international operations for import-Export, and was constantly providing feedback to the Manufacturing Unit, cost controlling, purchasing woods, as well as costing the finalized products.)

Souvenir Art Gallery (M) Sdn Bhd, Malaysia

March 2003 to Nov 2006 Job: Managing Director (Here i had opportunity to leverage my all the years and different fields of experience which was gained to run the entire company , such has Daily operations, purchase, import & export,designing,Train Staff, Hire Staff, participate in strategic alliances with other origination's and trade partners and communicating with directors ensure all the operations are going smooth.)

Kong Posh Industries (M) Sdn Bhd 757417-H, Malaysia

DECEMBER 2006 —Present, Prepare and implement comprehensive business plans to facilitate achievement by planning. Ensure company policies and legal guidelines are communicated all the way from the top down in the company and that they are followed at all times. Act as the public speaker and public relations representative of the company In ways that strengthen its profile. Analyze problematic situations and occurrences and provide solutions to ensure company survival and growth. The objective, is to ensure the company is constantly moving towards fulfilling its short-term and long-term objectives and does not diverge from its strategic guidelines.

Markative Domains


Digital Kashmir


Invest Kashmir

90 Day MBE

Founder - It is a 90 days work shop for those who would like to start their business.

28 Credentials Of Entrepreneur

Founder of "28COE"

Voices of Inspiration: Testimonials for Bilal Ahmad Bhat’s Leadership

Behind every brand lies Dr. Bilal Ahmad Bhat’s unparalleled dedication, commitment, and boundless passion. His relentless pursuit of excellence continues to elevate and enrich lives worldwide.

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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