Jammu & Kashmir

Online News Portal


KASHmirie- It is all about Kashmiriyat

KASHmirie embodies the essence of Kashmiriyat, representing the rich cultural heritage, traditions, and values of Jammu & Kashmir. Our platform celebrates the diversity, resilience, and spirit of the region, showcasing its beauty and promoting its economic growth. Through our initiatives, we aim to preserve and promote Kashmiri culture, empower local communities, and foster unity and harmony. KASHmirie is more than just a brand; it’s a movement dedicated to upholding the principles of Kashmiriyat and shaping a brighter future for the region.

Kashmirie (Transparent BG)

Mission, Vision, Philosophy of KASHmirie: Empowering Futures, Enriching Possibilities

Mission: KASHmirie is dedicated to protecting and promoting the essence of Jammu & Kashmir across Pan India and globally. Through our diverse initiatives, we strive to empower individuals, businesses, and communities, fostering growth, prosperity, and cultural exchange.

Vision: Our vision is to position Jammu & Kashmir as a global hub for trade, commerce, and cultural exchange. By leveraging our four verticals and embracing innovation, we aim to showcase the rich heritage and potential of the region on a global stage.

Philosophy: At KASHmirie, we believe in the power of inclusivity, collaboration, and empowerment. We are committed to creating a platform that celebrates diversity, preserves tradition, and drives positive change in Jammu & Kashmir and beyond

  • Online News Portal
  • KASHmirie
  • 02/02/2023

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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