Jammu & Kashmir

Core Values

"Embrace the Essence: Unveiling the Power of Core Values"

Dr. Bilal Ahmad Bhat embodies an exceptional commitment to excellence, rooted in his unwavering adherence to the 28COE (28 Credentials of Entrepreneur) core values. As a distinguished Entrepreneur, Philanthropist, and Business Coach, Dr. Bhat not only embraces these values but also instills them in every aspect of his professional journey.

The 28COE core values represent a comprehensive framework meticulously designed to foster ethical behavior, champion social responsibility, and champion sustainable business practices. Driven by a deep sense of purpose, Dr. Bhat exemplifies these values in his day-to-day operations, ensuring that his ventures uphold the highest standards of responsibility and sustainability.

Through his steadfast commitment to the 28COE core values, Dr. Bhat cultivates an environment that promotes integrity, transparency, and trust among all stakeholders. By adhering to these principles, he lays a solid foundation for long-term success, fostering an organizational culture that prioritizes ethical decision-making, accountability, and continuous improvement.

Dr. Bhat’s dedication to these core values extends beyond his own achievements, as he actively imparts his knowledge and expertise as a Business Coach. Through mentoring and guidance, he inspires aspiring entrepreneurs and business professionals to embrace these values, empowering them to build responsible and sustainable enterprises that create positive impacts within their communities.

In a world where the pursuit of excellence can sometimes be overshadowed, Dr. Bhat’s unwavering commitment stands as a testament to the transformative power of values-driven leadership. With his adherence to the 28COE core values, he not only achieves remarkable success but also leaves a lasting legacy of integrity, responsibility, and sustainable growth in the entrepreneurial landscape.



Upholding high moral and ethical standards in all actions and decisions.



Embracing challenges and taking calculated risks to drive innovation and growth.



Communicating truthfully and transparently, fostering trust and open dialogue.

Trust Worthiness

Trust Worthiness

Being reliable, dependable, and fulfilling commitments to all stakeholders.



Taking responsibility for actions, outcomes, and meeting set objectives.



Cultivating a continuous learning mindset to adapt and improve in a rapidly changing world.

Community Of Customer Experience

Community Of Customer Experience

Focusing on creating exceptional customer experiences and building strong relationships.



Demonstrating enthusiasm, dedication, and a genuine love for what we do.

Culture Of Fun

Culture Of Fun

Promoting a positive and enjoyable work environment that fosters creativity and teamwork.



Maintaining focus, self-control, and consistency in pursuing goals and objectives.

Community Of Ownership

Community Of Ownership

Encouraging a sense of ownership, pride, and shared responsibility within the team.

Result Oriented

Result Oriented

Striving for excellence and delivering measurable results that create value.

Constant Improvement

Constant Improvement

Embracing change and continuously seeking ways to enhance performance and processes.



Inspiring and empowering others to achieve their full potential and lead by example.

Hard Work

Hard Work

Putting in the effort, dedication, and perseverance required to succeed.



Valuing and respecting differences, fostering inclusivity, and embracing diversity of thought.



Encouraging creativity, embracing new ideas, and driving forward-thinking solutions.



Pursuing excellence in all aspects of our work and delivering products and services of the highest standards.



Collaborating and leveraging collective strengths to achieve shared goals and success.



Emphasizing clarity, efficiency, and simplicity in processes, systems, and communication.

Collaboration& Partnership

Collaboration& Partnership

Building strong alliances and working collaboratively with partners for mutual growth.



Pursuing a vision of a better world and making positive contributions to society.



Facing challenges with bravery and resilience, pushing boundaries, and embracing change.



Putting the needs of others and the greater good ahead of personal interests.



Valuing oneself and maintaining personal integrity and self-care.

Self Respect

Self Respect

Valuing oneself and maintaining personal integrity and self-care.

Client Value Creation

Client Value Creation

Going above and beyond to deliver exceptional value and meet client needs.

One Global Network

One Global Network

Embracing a global perspective, collaboration, and connectivity to achieve collective success.

The Guiding Principles Are The Core Values.

The guiding principles serve as the foundation and compass for an organization or individual, shaping their actions and decisions. These principles represent the core values that define the character and essence of the entity. They are the fundamental beliefs and ideals that guide behavior and establish a framework for how things should be done.

By adhering to these core values, individuals and organizations ensure that their actions align with their mission, vision, and purpose. The guiding principles act as a moral compass, providing a set of standards and expectations for ethical conduct, social responsibility, and sustainable practices.

These core values reflect the ideals and aspirations of the entity, emphasizing qualities such as integrity, honesty, accountability, teamwork, innovation, and continuous improvement. They create a shared understanding and common language that fosters unity and alignment among members of the organization.

The guiding principles not only guide daily actions but also influence long-term strategies, goals, and decision-making processes. They provide a sense of direction, helping to navigate challenges, seize opportunities, and stay focused on the overarching purpose and objectives.

Ultimately, the guiding principles serve as a source of inspiration and motivation, driving individuals and organizations to strive for excellence, make a positive impact, and create value for all stakeholders. They shape the culture, identity, and reputation of the entity, fostering trust, loyalty, and long-term success.

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