Jammu & Kashmir

A Man of Many TALENTS

A Man of Many TALENTS

Dr. Bilal Ahmad Bhat, a man of many talents

Wears many hats, and yet he never relents

From medicine to literature, he excels in all

And his achievements, truly stand tall.


In the hospital, he saves lives every day

Bringing hope to those who’ve lost their way

His expertise and skills, truly remarkable

And his compassion, always visible.


But that’s not all, for he’s a writer too

With a way with words, that’s tried and true

His stories and poems, speak to the heart

And his words, always set us apart.


And when he’s not working, he’s teaching as well

Sharing his knowledge, with students who excel

Inspiring them to be the best they can be

And showing them, what they can achieve.


Dr. Bilal Ahmad Bhat, a man of many hats

Who’s made a mark, and that’s a fact

His dedication and hard work, truly inspire

And his achievements, we’ll always admire.

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