Jammu & Kashmir

90 Day MBE

The 90 DAY MBE

“90 Day MBE: 90 Day Master Of Entrepreneurship” is a transformative workshop designed to empower aspiring entrepreneurs with the knowledge, skills, and tools needed to start a business from scratch. This comprehensive program offers a unique blend of offline and online learning experiences, led by industry experts and successful entrepreneurs”.

Over the course of 90 days, participants will embark on a journey of discovery and growth, gaining invaluable insights and practical strategies to turn their entrepreneurial dreams into reality. Through a series of interactive workshops, personalized coaching sessions, and real-life case studies, you will learn from the best in the field, who have successfully navigated the challenges of entrepreneurship.

This workshop goes beyond theory, focusing on actionable steps and hands-on exercises to help you develop a solid business plan, create effective marketing strategies, master financial management, and build a strong network of like-minded individuals. The program is carefully designed to provide a holistic learning experience, combining classroom sessions with online resources, allowing you to learn at your own pace and convenience.

Whether you are a budding entrepreneur with a ground-breaking idea or someone looking to turn their passion into a profitable venture, 90 Day MBE is the ultimate platform to acquire the knowledge, skills, and confidence needed to succeed. Join us on this transformative journey, and unlock your full entrepreneurial potential today.

Transformative workshop
Gaining invaluable insights and practical strategies
focusing on actionable steps
Creating your huge ecosystem
Practical Learning Super Support Leverage

Experience hands-on, practical learning that goes beyond theory. Our programs are designed to provide you with real-world skills and knowledge that can be applied immediately. From interactive workshops to real-life case studies, we ensure you gain practical insights to drive your success.


                                                            "Practical learning provides the foundation"

We believe in your potential and are committed to supporting you every step of the way. Our dedicated team is available to provide guidance, answer your questions, and offer personalized assistance. With our super support system, you can feel confident that you have the resources and assistance needed to achieve your goals.

                                                “Super support fuels the journey”

Unlock your full potential and leverage our expertise to propel your success. Our programs offer a wealth of resources, industry connections, and strategic partnerships that you can leverage to accelerate your growth. Our comprehensive network and opportunities allow you to maximize your impact and take your aspirations to new heights.


                                     "Leverage propels you to extraordinary heights"


  • 16-1, Jalan Apollo CH U5/CH, Bandar Pinggiran Subang, Sek U5, 40150 Shah Alam, Selangor. MALAYSIA
  • +60163634203 (Malaysia) +917006857643 (India)


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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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